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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'The Man From Toronto' gave the following results:

11 matches in tracks
  1. Side B: The Tokaido (20:08)
    from Act Of The Heart
    Performed by The Festival Singers of Toronto and The Toronto Woodwind Quintet conducted by Elmer Iseler
  2. Toronto Raccoons (02:52)
    from Planet Earth II
  3. Mardi Gras In Toronto? (01:30)
    from Dracula 2000
  4. Mardi Gras In Toronto? (01:30)
    from Little Box Of Horrors
  5. Mountie Letter/To Toronto (01:18)
    from Canadian Bacon
  6. Toronto/Honey Shoots (01:27)
    from Canadian Bacon
  7. Girls Night Out (00:00)
    from Where The Boys Are '84
  8. Lead Me To Your Rock (02:06)
    from Love Guru, The
    Telma Hopkins & Toronto Children's Concert Choir
  9. Downtown Toronto (02:33)
    from Blood Is Strong, The
    From the TV programme "The Blood Is Strong", composed and performed by Capercaillie.
  10. 6 Title Themes in Search of a Movie (04:05)
    from Music For Great Films Of The Silent Era
    I. Wild Nights in Toronto: Dance Overture
  11. Agnes Of God: Symphonische Suite für Chor und Orchester (Part II) (13:28)
    from Agnes Of God
    Performed by The Toronto Symphony Orchestra